Help us learn about how exposure to information affects children’s engagement on a puzzle task!

We are seeking children ages 4- to 6-years (and their parents) to participate in a short (30 min) study. If participating with your child, you would first complete a short survey to help us learn a little more about your family and beliefs about some things related to child development.

In the meantime, children will complete a puzzle task for 5 minutes and then would be told some short stories and asked some questions about some hypothetical people. There are no right or wrong answers, we are just trying to get an idea of how children naturally respond.

Time to complete: around 30 mins

Compensation: $10 (cash) or $5 plus a t-shirt for your child (your choice). Children get to take home a small toy or book.

Eligibility: Since we are looking at the typical course of development, we cannot include children who:

  • have disabilities affecting vision, hearing, or physical growth 

  • have any known developmental disorders (such as ADHD or autism)

  • do not understand English, Korean, or Spanish (one of these languages should be spoken at least 50% of the time, otherwise your child might have difficulty comprehending tasks)

The information we collect will be confidential and will not be shared. Our research report will not identify or describe individuals. If you are interested in receiving this report, you will be prompted to provide your email address at the end of the study.  This study is approved by George Mason University’s Institutional Review Board (Approval # 1983565).